When it comes to writing our story , perhaps what is most difficult is precisely knowing what to write about. Breaking up an idea and giving it shape until we can build the story can be quite laborious if we are not clear about what story we want to tell. Below, we offer you a list of 10 ideas for writing stories. ARTICLE INDEX The 7 rules for writing stories by BABIDI-BÚ 1. The story must be original 2. Characters are essential 3. Develop a made-up scenario 4. Animals always work 5. The beginning of the story is key, think about it well 6. Every children's story must have a moral Ideas for writing a children's story Rethink a traditional story Do a “giveaway” for story ideas Transform a personal or close story Use childhood fears as allies Practice writing short children's stories 1. Development of Creativity 2. Improvement of Narrative Skill 3. Understanding the Target Audience 4. Discipline in Writing 5. Direct and Sincere Feedback 6. Positive Impact.
Versatility and Experimentation Conclusion References Italy Telegram Number Data More information The 7 rules for writing stories by BABIDI-BÚ These are some steps that we offer you to write children's stories. A series of ideas that you can use to create your children's story is the closest thing to a manual on how to write your children's story . 1. The story must be original Nobody is going to want to read a story they already know . Starting from this premise, you have at your disposal a thousand and one characters that you can invent, scenarios that you can create, different plots... Children's stories offer a thousand possibilities, since children will not be worried about whether the story is possible or not. They are going to want an entertaining story, with a good ending, in which the characters end up achieving their goal. This is why you should not forget the different parts of a story in order to make your story as entertaining and understandable as possible.

You must create a story that comes from you. A novel story in which you pour all your enthusiasm to tell that own story that you want everyone to read. This is not incompatible with reading other stories that help inspire you, and even giving traditional stories a twist to tell a new story (as we will tell you later). But as we say, inspiration and not a copy, your story must be original so that there is that desire to read it. 2. Characters are essential Another idea for writing children's stories can be to think about the main character to start creating our story. Think of a character that is attractive to children, who is the axis of the story and from there build the plot of our children's story. A group of friends who will live an adventure, a shy girl who wants to make friends at her school... We will start from the main character to create the entire story. What is his objective, who is going to accompany him to fulfill it, who is he going to face, the teaching.