ADVERTISEMENT So be careful and read Muller's final recommendation carefully: “ [Creating doorways pages] is essentially taking a piece of content and creating many, many variations with small differences and that is something that would go against our webmaster guidelines. So that's something we need to be aware of, which is creating tons of really subpar, I would almost say junk pages for your website that doesn't provide it with any unique value overall. And instead of diluting your website's content like that, I would recommend putting the focus on making the main content of your website much stronger. [...] So if you're asking if Google is okay with [copying your own content], well, it's like you can do whatever you want on your website, but that doesn't mean Google is going to value it .”
What was the lesson learned? Resist the Telegram Number Data temptation to Ctrl C + Ctrl V. It may be tempting to do this during a busy routine, but your audience deserves more. Given the concern about how Google would react to copied content, we can say that there are so many rules in SEO that it is very natural to produce content thinking about how Google is going to evaluate it. That's why never forget that Google's main answer is always: what matters is how much value your page provides to visitors . And that will only happen if you have defined a smart content strategy for your site.

Do you want a little help with this process? Take our quick assessment and find out what you need to make your content strategy great ! Share SEO vs SEM: know the differences and how to work with the two together SEO vs SEM has been a battle for years to know which is the best, but what if we told you that they are not opposite strategies? Enter here and learn how to combine these two methodologies and conquer the Internet! seo sem Search engine positioning factors, for some years now, have become the number one objective of countless companies that want to be easily found by users on the Internet. In that sense, two techniques appear as contenders in the race to gain visibility and traffic to a website and, therefore, the battle between SEO vs SEM is still at the center of the discussion about which method is the best.