Still need help. With this in mind, the MGN team contacted the NGOs and checked what their emergency needs were. C&A volunteers, without leaving home, helped their partner organizations with online volunteering actions. Ideas for volunteering activities to do at home Another example of online volunteering during quarantine took place in partnership with Suzano . Concerned about keeping its corporate volunteering program active during quarantine, Suzano distributed to its volunteers a Guide with Ideas for volunteering actions to do at home. MGN, using all its expertise in volunteering, developed this personalized material for the company, including activities to encourage reading, educational actions, and activities to encourage solidarity actions. Suzano volunteers thus had the opportunity to help and do good in such a difficult time, especially for socially vulnerable populations.
DOWNLOAD THE FREE E-BOOK “ VOLUNTEER WORK FOR YOU TO DO WITHOUT LEAVING HOME” Corporate volunteering during quarantine: actions to help the most vulnerable populations Taking more emergency actions also mea Singapore Phone Numbers 8 Million List ns working with audiences who are more vulnerable during the new coronavirus pandemic. This is the case with the elderly public. COVID- is a disease that poses a greater risk to the elderly population – people over years of age. This was confirmed by the experiences in other countries affected by the pandemic, mainly China and Italy, which recorded records of deaths among elderly people. With this in mind, one of the first target audiences for actions against the coronavirus was the elderly population.

Some companies, aware of this cause, proposed volunteering actions using this focus. Action to collect and donate materials to institutions for the elderly Instituto Criança é Vida is a partner with MGN in a solidarity initiative to help Long-Term Institutions for the Elderly (ILPIs). Moved by the precarious conditions of these institutions, the organization developed a fundraising campaign, aiming to help NGOs that care for the elderly in the city of São Paulo. This partnership benefited around , people with donations of alcohol, reusable masks, food and personal hygiene products. Do you want to help a Long-Term Institution for the Elderly (ILPI)? Click here and access the list of Institutions throughout Brazil. Digital inclusion activities for the elderly Together with Projeto Velho Amigo , MGN helped develop a digital inclusion project for the elderly. The idea was to encourage volunteers from companies to carry out a set of Virtual Café activities with groups of elderly people who participate in digital inclusion activities in communities and nursing homes, and are currently isolated.